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September 4-2011: I read an interesting article on Astrology the other day, thought I would share some interesting thoughts and news.
[According to a survey done in 2009 1 in 4 Americans- including 1 in 3 adults under age 30- claim to believe in astrology. For decades horoscopes have been apart of the daily newspaper. In recent years, numerous entertainment and women's magazines have joined the club. ( 28 percent of females take horoscopes seriously compared to 21 percent of males, according to the pew poll.) The internet has also become rifle with advice sites around the clock devoted to astrology, some charging up to $20 a minute! Pastor Phil Steiger of Living Hope Church Assembly of God, says, "Many people think how-to tips must be OK if it appears spiritual; it's brilliant marketing in a culture that likes to be vaguely spiritual." People are searching for answers to life's dilemmas in the midst of economic uncertainty or in the aftermath of natural disasters, according to Gabriele Rienas, a licensed professional counselor on Beaverton, Oregon. Nevertheless the bible warns against any fascination with psychics, clairvoyants, soothsayers, fortunetellers, stargazers, sorcerers or palm readers. Read Deuteronomy 18:9-13 and Isaiah 47:13-15. The word of God is definitive: the practice of astrology and other mystic activity is wrong. Pastor Steiger says, " It makes no sense for Christians to look to astrology to try to make sense of their lives." A professor at Syracuse University Robert J. Thompson says, " Astrology presents the idea that there is a system- based on the sun and planets- to try to make sense of the chaos around you." Steiger says people who rely on astrology aren't yielding to the will of God. By seeking someone who supposedly can foretell the future, and those who desire comfort to placate fears about the future are relying in a false hope. " Any season of life where we feel like we can't manage what's going to come tomorrow, we're tempted to find a means of manipulation; to go to someone else to try to control events for us displays a lack of trust in God." Gabriele Rienas says, " there are demonic powers behind it, people need to stay away from it; In the end, when you're going through a divorce, when someone in your life has died, when you've lost your job and have no funds in your savings account, only faith in God will sustain you."]
--After all why look to the stars for guidance, look to the God that created the stars! Don't look for creation look to the CREATOR, Jesus Christ! -Pastor Mejia
Article written by- John W. Kennedy
OLD MAN GOT GAME - posted SEPTEMBER 4th, 2011
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Being a senior in college doesn’t just apply to how many credits you’ve amassed anymore. Faulkner University in Alabama is a small Christian university in the state’s capital of Montgomery with an enrollment of around 3,000 students. The football team participates in the MidSouth conference, and when it takes the field this season it will have a 61 year-old on its roster. Faulkner University officials say that after clearing up a few eligibility concerns, Alan Moore, a former college football player in the 1960s and Vietnam veteran, will take to the field once again this season as the Eagles’ newest team member. Moore was only able to play his freshman year at Jones County Junior College before heading off to Vietnam for 11 months. Watching a football game in 2009 inspired him to purchase footballs, build goal posts in his daughter’s back yard, and practice kicking. Last year Moore was turned away in an attempt to try out for Jones’ team but did end up making the team at Holmes Community College after being referred by the head coach’s aunt. Ironically, he made an appearance for Holmes against Jones County.“It was in my heart to play at Jones Junior College, but they were non-responsive to it.”Good for Alan Moore in pursuing a dream, it’s just too bad he couldn’t be doing it at the school he originally enrolled in. But things happen for a reason and he’s made the step up from a community college to a university so things worked out pretty well.If Moore is ever lacking motivation or wondering what he got himself into, he can look no further than Ken Mink. At 73 years old he hooped it up for Roane State Community College in Tennessee.
( In Genesis 17:1-4 and 15-17- Abraham was old and stricken in his years, but God gave him promises.You are never to old for God to use your life.It is never the issue of age with God but the issue of your heart! If you are open to God he can speak to you, in Matthew 20:6-7 the parable of the workers, no one wanted to use this men, but God did. What are you waiting for to get in the game? God believes in you!! - Pastor Mejia)