Tuesday, November 2, 2021

When Promises Die

 2Kings 4:10-22.  This woman stood strong with a heart of faith!!  She did not complain, just trusted God.   We need to not give up.  Promises need to be shelved, for God’s timing.

Let God bring it to pass. Our life needs to be well adapted to God, not convenience. We want to be ready.

Having a contented heart, we can see great things. Sometimes God puts things in our life we can not conquer. Inner confidence from God is found in weakness.

Monday, October 25, 2021

Contending for Contentment - In our World of Materialism

 2Kings4:9-15  This woman had a want she was waiting on. But stayed content, looking beyond it to help others. It’s unnatural to be content. It’s the grace of God.  She saw a need and did something!! Her needs had been filled and her desires had been fulfilled. 

She kept a Godly attitude through it all. Putting others before herself. 

 Phil. 4:4-8  Rejoice in the Lord always!!! 

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Principle of Emptiness

 2Kings 4:2-7.  God responds in our emptiness, not when we are full.  Pride causes God not to step in.

We need to throw ourselves on the mercy of God. Humility opens doors. If we are empty and have no answers, that’s the best place to be in relying on God.  If you are empty or feel failure, you can begin again. Events change quickly. We don’t want God working against us.

Monday, August 23, 2021

Satan and the Seed

 Matt. 13:3-4, 18-19. Jesus says the kingdom comes by hearing and can  revolutionize our life. It’s a soul transformation!!!  If you are broken, you can not fix you, you need to allow God to fix you. We need to grab what is being said. The seed comes quietly and gently.

Be the best hearer!! Listen, hear, and pay attention to God’s word. We need soft and open hearts.  We need to be guarded against taking sermons for granted.. Really, what is the state of our heart, when the seeds are sown in us? Don’t become desensitized and trample on the Word of God!!!!

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Junk Food for the soul

 2Kings 4:5  She received the word of God, because she had room in her heart to receive it. She was open to miracles!!!

Unbelief needs to leave.  When the word comes we have no room to receive it. Because we don’t believe.

The church people are not running to the church and to God.   They are filled with their own ways.

Sin will harden our hearts. The word challenges us to do right. And as we believe in our heart, God can do miracles!!!!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Answers That Make No Sense.

 2Kings 4:1-7  This woman was at the end of herself and had no answers. She needed God. Being obedient to Him to go to others, empty. Then God could fill her.

Often in life, we need answers from God!!  But we can miss God because his answers make no sense.

1. A lot of people today want spirituality on their terms. We need to die to our selves to be filled by God.  Which is the key to abundant life.  Being a part of a body with accountability. We need each other.

2.  By our willingness to adapt our wills to the will of God, whether we understand.  We grow step by step.

Be not full of yourself. If you have enough emptiness, God can move and fill.

Monday, June 14, 2021

The Power of a Right Spirit.

 Psalm 51:10  A clean spirit is loyal, right, steadfast, established, securely determined 

and a directed spirit. We need to give room to God in our lives. We gain much more than we give.

An act of kindness with the right spirit changes the world!! God is the creative one!!! 

Allow God to tap into you to make more room for him!!!!!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Spiritual pain - When the pain is more than I can bear!!

11 Kings 4:1-4  The woman brought her burden to God!!!

Job 1:20-21 Job humbly brought his needs to God!

Maternal pain,  Financial pain, Spiritual pain, and Physical pain. They trouble our spirits!

Receiving Rhema, The living word of God to our souls. God is personal and it fits the occasion, gives wisdom. 

God’s spirit touches us and inspires us. Divine inspiration!!!! We need to pour our lives into others and serve God.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Making Room - The Cost of Visitation

 11Kings 4:8-10.   She had persuaded Elisha to have a meal with her. She believed him to be a Holy and Godly man. He came to Shunem on a regular basis. She wanted to make a room for him. Then he would always have a place to rest. 

1. Willing to take the initiative, no strings attached out of love.

2. We can’t make God move in our lives, but we can make room for him to move.

Do right and hope God will show up.  Give God room and he can do so much more!!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2021

“A Mother’s Crisis”

 11Kings 4:1-7  She was not left to her own resources.

1. A Mother’s strength.  A crisis will always reveal us.  Need to watch our spirit, when the pain breaks us.

She protected her heart. Did not become bitter.

2. How do mothers make it through it all?  They run to God!!!! Need to go to the place where God can speak to you.

3. God has a plan and a way out. You need to hear from the spirit of God. God can step in and multiply the rest of our life!!

Monday, April 12, 2021

A Supernatural Place Called “There”

 1Kings 17:1-6  

1.  “There” is a place of protection. It matters where you put yourself. In God’s will, we are protected.

Strength comes from consecration and commitment. God honors our faith.

2. “There” was the place of God’s purpose. God’s appointment for service. 

3. “There” was the place of God’s power. God’s place of provision. Not all promotion is from God. 

4. “There” is a place of promise. God’s promises are true, even if we may not know why we need to be obedient to God.

5. “There” is a place of privilege. Supernaturally experiencing more from God. .

Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter - Agents of Resurrection

 1Kings 17:17-24

We are called to be agents of resurrection. Being born again. Having God’s  power in a fallen world!! We have to be a resurrected church of people. Seeing our resurrected life shows that we really are saved. Saved by grace!!!  Having a obedient heart. Getting together and fellowshipping. We need to be willing to lay our lives over other people.  Bringing life to others even if they have nothing to give!!!  

Monday, March 29, 2021

Power of Adaptability - Ability to change ones course

 1Kings 17:2-6.   We must be adaptable to be successful in the will of God.

Sometimes we feel like we are not seen or heard. Which is about our ego, being front and center and full of ourselves. It’s about our soul!!

We need to be flexible, yielding, capable of responding to change of a new situation.

Submit or rebel, we have a chose. We need to yield to the potter. When we find ourselves in Cherith, we must believe that God is doing a good work.

Monday, March 8, 2021

We Need to Talk: Hearing God’s Voice!!!

 Hebrews 12:25-29.  God is speaking. We need to hear his voice. He’s our everything!!!

A. We need to listen up.

B. God chooses the topic and agenda.

C. God goes after our idols.

He speaks to the core issues of our life. He shakes things up.  Why we get discouraged when we draw close to God. Often before there’s a creation, there is destruction.

All said and done being thankful for what has happened. Deliverance!!!

Monday, March 1, 2021

“There is No Fast Forward - the reason we must go to Cherith!!!

 IKings17:2-6. The necessity of this place is essential to our growth. If we opt out, we will never experience God. The cutting away causes the son to be seen in us.  It’s not comfortable.

John 3:30  We need to decrease so he can increase.  What are you hanging on to?

We need to surrender to become humbled!!!! Being obedient to God.

Monday, February 8, 2021

The Ravens are coming 3 - Go Hide yourself.

 Seasons of suffering in silence.  Not just what we do, but who we really are.

There are character traits in us that need to change. God brings life, working things in us.

We must be taught the value of the hidden concealment on the hidden life. The purpose.

We need to want God to change our heart.  It’s a lonely place when God is developing us.

When God cuts into our plans hopefully, we experience more of him.

Can not give out what you have not taken in. Being hidden in Christ.

The Ravens are coming on God’s provision. 2

 I Kings 17:2-6  Totally depending on God. You have my attention.

1. God comes to us with a timely word. We need to leave consequences to God.

2. God commanded and the ravens came. God has not forgotten us.

The things we fear the most, we learnt the most from.

3. God wants to teach us to depend on Him only!!! God help me to depend on you!!!!