Recently I did a marriage seminar at the church in Walthamstow, here is a letter from a member of their congregation; check out the photos section to see pictures from the seminar.
" As a member of The Walthamstow Potters House Church for 16 years and married for 12 years, we have always made it a habit to go to the seminars.
This is the second time as a couple that we have heard Pastor Mejia. We were so pleased; we knew how great he was last time so were really looking forward to the weekend. The first talk by Pastor Mejia would have been enough! His opening talk at the Gala dinner was amazing.....
The rest of the seminars were refreshing, inspirational, fun and full of great wisdom, from years of experience.
Thank you for allowing God to continually use your life to bless others."
Mrs & Mr Sahota
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
One Cry Fits All
Psalm 40:1-2 " I waited patiently for the Lord to help me, and he turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the pit of despair, out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on solid ground and steadied me as I walked along."
What a great God we serve! There is no partial treatment, he is there for anyone who calls on his name.
It is a humbling factor of life, to ask others to help us, but sometimes we just can't do things on our own. We are not going to receive help if we don't ask for it. God is not a respecter of persons; there is no special way to ask for help, you simply just ask.
Remember one cry fits all, it needs no reason! Big or small, we all have needs that God can help us with. Don't be afraid to ask for help in our life! Trust that God is going to meet your needs according to his purpose and plan.
What a great God we serve! There is no partial treatment, he is there for anyone who calls on his name.

Remember one cry fits all, it needs no reason! Big or small, we all have needs that God can help us with. Don't be afraid to ask for help in our life! Trust that God is going to meet your needs according to his purpose and plan.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Find Follow Fish
Today in the church world there has become a broken chain, many people profess to know Christ, but when it actually comes down to it they aren't truly following him. We are all here because Jesus did something for us. As Christians we are called to be fisher of men, we should be following up on new believers and trying to win souls to Jesus.
God wants to use us, he has a plan and a purpose for all of us. Though we may think we don't have everything together, God isn't expecting perfection his plan involves us as we are. There are no secrets steps, if we have found Jesus and we believe in him, we should be following him. If we truly are living our lives the way God wants us to, we should be pursuing after those around us and drawing them to Christ. The God we serve is still alive and moving in our lives. Follow him and let him fulfill his purpose in your life.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
September 11th-2011 Baptism
( Souls that were baptized Sunday September 11th. Praise God!)
- Check out the PHOTOS page, to see more pictures.
- Check out the PHOTOS page, to see more pictures.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Run Philip Run
Luke 14:23- "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."
In the book of Acts chapter 8 verses 26-40, we read a story about a man named Philip and how Christ uses him to reach out to one man. It is so amazing how God uses his people to bring others to Christ. It makes you think when you read this story, what am I doing to get others to Christ? Am I a living example of Christ, do people see him through me?
As christians we should be having moments where we are stirred and compelled by God to share his love with others. It is easy to make excuses on why we can't go on outreach, or why we can't go take that new convert out for dinner or coffee, but quite frankly there really are no right reasons. We should constantly be trying to win souls to Jesus Christ. There are so many tools and avenues in the world today, to share Jesus. Social networking has become a huge icon in todays society, and think about how many people can be touched daily by reading something that you posted on facebook or twitter. Philip wasn't some great and mighty man. He was a normal guy in the church that God used to reach this one soul. As believers we are called to reach the lost. We need to ask ourselves can we hear from God? Can God motivate and inspire us?
Jesus stayed close to the lost, so that he was able to reach them, we should be doing the same thing not distancing ourselves, we need to be able to speak to them and on a level that they understand. We need to be taking advantage of the oppurtunities put in our paths daily.
John 4:35 "... But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest."
In the book of Acts chapter 8 verses 26-40, we read a story about a man named Philip and how Christ uses him to reach out to one man. It is so amazing how God uses his people to bring others to Christ. It makes you think when you read this story, what am I doing to get others to Christ? Am I a living example of Christ, do people see him through me?

Jesus stayed close to the lost, so that he was able to reach them, we should be doing the same thing not distancing ourselves, we need to be able to speak to them and on a level that they understand. We need to be taking advantage of the oppurtunities put in our paths daily.
John 4:35 "... But I say, wake up and look around. The fields are already ripe for harvest."
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Who gives a flip, take a dip!
Does it ever bother you when things don't go the way you planned?
In 2 Kings 5:9-14 there is a story of a man named Naaman, and he goes through this very thing. 10 Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”11 But Naaman went away angry..."
It's interesting how people can get mad at the very one that wants them to live right!

It's interesting how people can get mad at the very one that wants them to live right!
Sometimes we expect things in our lives to go a certain way, but God's plan and our plan may be a whole lot different. There are always reasons behind why God does what he does. We may never fully understand God's way of doing things, but he has his best intentions for our lives.
We cannot allow our pride to keep us from humbling ourselves before Christ. Naaman was given a simple command, although he thought his plan was better then God's.
There are going to be times as christians when we think that our plan is better, but when we do the will of God, blessing comes in our lives. Naaman obeyed God and he was healed! God makes promises to his people and he keeps them. What has God been telling you lately? Are you going to humble yourself and let God be God, or are you going to resist? Remember God only wants the very best for you!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Case for the Hour-Long church service
1 Corinthians 9:21- "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might have some."
An ancient proverb states, "The mind can only absorb what the seat can endure." For many unchurched people, the church stands for every commandment except this law of common sense. Lets imagine that you are not a christian, your friend invites you to church and you really dont feel like going. You begin making objections.."I dont know what to wear, My kids have something going on that morning," but your friend tells you you can come as you are and the service only lasts for one hour. You decide to go that Sunday, you show up and the service begins promptly on time. Everything is well paced, the teaching is good, bible-based and interesting. Before you know it the service is closing and you are out the door ready for a second dose!
The most common objective is one... this is going to limit the spirit... do you really think that God needs more time? Really! Genesis 1:3- "and God said let there be light and there was light..." John 5:8-9- " Jesus said, "ARISE, pick up your mat and walk, and the man was cured."
I believe God can move in a moments time, and a miracle can take place in the hearts of Gods people. It doesn't take God a long time to move, the issue is not time but our hearts and if we are open. Are we ready to recieve, that is the real issue! My prayer is Isaiah 50:4- "The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know how to comfort the weary. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will."
Come join us:Thursdays -7pm-8pm
Sunday evening- 6pm-7pm
Sunday morning- 10:30- 11:45 (a little longer)

In Ephesians 5:16 the scripture reminds us to "redeem the time." People are giving us their time, and we must do something meaningful with that time. In public worship service we are tempted to believe that our primary medium is words; it's not. Our medium is time.
"The ability to simpilfy means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." - Hans Hofmann.The most common objective is one... this is going to limit the spirit... do you really think that God needs more time? Really! Genesis 1:3- "and God said let there be light and there was light..." John 5:8-9- " Jesus said, "ARISE, pick up your mat and walk, and the man was cured."
I believe God can move in a moments time, and a miracle can take place in the hearts of Gods people. It doesn't take God a long time to move, the issue is not time but our hearts and if we are open. Are we ready to recieve, that is the real issue! My prayer is Isaiah 50:4- "The Sovereign L
Come join us:Thursdays -7pm-8pm
Sunday evening- 6pm-7pm
Sunday morning- 10:30- 11:45 (a little longer)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Revival Pictures
(The power of prayer)
(God moving in the church)
(Into God's word)
(Special Music)
- Pictures from recent revival in Moreno Valley with evangelist Marty Carnegie. Lives were changed and hearts were stirred!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
"God's compassion is not measured by our circumstances, nor is his kindness limited to our understanding. God cares just as much when the storm is raging and the sea is calm."

Maybe like David you have let fear get the best of you, you need to chose to trust God. You don't want to end up out of fellowship with God. Ask yourself this "Is God still God thru our heartaches and difficulties?"
God promises to never leave us nor forsake us, he is always there no matter what we are facing in life. We are children of God!! We have the victory as believers, don't let adversity grip you, be strong in Jesus Christ.
Have you ever had an issue with a family member, or thought I don’t know how I ended up in the family I did?
Well God knew what he was doing when he put you in the family he did, he has called you to love, value, and protect your family. If you wont love them, who will?
In the book of Genesis chapter 37, we read about a young man named Joseph. Now you think your family is a mess, just read about this family. His brothers hated him, they didn’t have one nice thing to say about him, they mocked him, they were envious of him, they threw him in a pit, and sold him into slavery. Many of us wouldn’t want anything to do with our family after all that, but Joseph realized that you cant just go out and buy a new family member. Despite all that they had done to him, he chose to forgive and still love them. Sometimes people would rather be around everyone else except for their family because they have some problems, but there is a tie that binds us to our family. That simply is “it’s our family!!” We don’t see that tie until it is no longer there and we are away and feel homesick.
No matter what the issues may be in your family or the situations that have taken place, God has called us to that family for a reason. We cannot simply give up on them! Years down the line Joseph’s family comes to him for help, they didn’t even recognize him, he could have easily refused to help them in there time of need. Instead he showed compassion and forgiveness on them. As christians we understand compassion and forgiveness and we need to be showing that to our families no matter what the issues may be.
Well God knew what he was doing when he put you in the family he did, he has called you to love, value, and protect your family. If you wont love them, who will?
In the book of Genesis chapter 37, we read about a young man named Joseph. Now you think your family is a mess, just read about this family. His brothers hated him, they didn’t have one nice thing to say about him, they mocked him, they were envious of him, they threw him in a pit, and sold him into slavery. Many of us wouldn’t want anything to do with our family after all that, but Joseph realized that you cant just go out and buy a new family member. Despite all that they had done to him, he chose to forgive and still love them. Sometimes people would rather be around everyone else except for their family because they have some problems, but there is a tie that binds us to our family. That simply is “it’s our family!!” We don’t see that tie until it is no longer there and we are away and feel homesick.
No matter what the issues may be in your family or the situations that have taken place, God has called us to that family for a reason. We cannot simply give up on them! Years down the line Joseph’s family comes to him for help, they didn’t even recognize him, he could have easily refused to help them in there time of need. Instead he showed compassion and forgiveness on them. As christians we understand compassion and forgiveness and we need to be showing that to our families no matter what the issues may be.
There is a Place
In 2 Kings chapter 5 we read about Naaman and how he is healed of leprosy. In the first few verses it says that a young servant girl who was captured by Syrians to serve Naaman's wife told her about the prophet that could heal Naaman of his disease.
It is interesting that even though she was taken away from her home, her family and friends, and sold as a slave, she was still sharing about the healer, the one that could restore Naaman's health. It is so easy to get caught up in our own lives, this girl could have been bitter or angry towards God for being in the situation she was in. Instead she chose to glorify God through her circumstance.
There are so many people that we are around as christians that can be brought to Christ through our lives. We have to be that light in the darkness, we have to say something. Our desire should be to see people redeemed despite the circumstances we may be facing in our lives.
There is a place for people to be healed, marriages restored, broken hearts can be mended, the list can go on... as christians we need to ask ourselves, are we guiding people to the place of salvation and restoration? Are we showing the lost and hurting that there is hope, that God has a plan and purpose for their life? It is our calling as believers! God is not waiting for us to get our lives perfectly in order, he uses us as we are to reach out to those around us. Be encouraged saints to spread the hope of Jesus Christ!!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Today there are many reasons why people don't come to church. If you asked someone on the street you could get any response from " I don't have time," to " There are too many hypocrites in the church."
As true as that may be, lets be realistic. Hypocrites are in every part of life, not just in the church. In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus tells a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven. God is not fooled by hypocrisy, in fact he knows that it is going to be in the church. It talks about the enemy sowing "tares" or "weeds" among the wheat. Wheat and weeds look a lot alike at first, it is hard to tell the difference between the two. Apply this to people, we may not always be able to point out the hypocrite, and the only one who truly can see someone for who they are is Christ.
Here is the beauty of God's grace, in the parable the farmer allows the weed to grow with the wheat so that none of the good is uprooted. God allows people the ability to change and grow. As christians we are called to be christ-like, it is easy to point the finger at someone else and point out the bad, but the truth is one day every knee will bow before Jesus Christ. The difference between someone who is willing to give everything to God and live a life for him, they will like wheat bow before the maker. Those who chose to live in their sin will stand tall against the grain, against the maker just like weeds do. You can chose to bow now or later, the choice is yours. Time is given until the end, God doesn't want any to perish, let's not forget he waited for you!
As true as that may be, lets be realistic. Hypocrites are in every part of life, not just in the church. In Matthew chapter 13, Jesus tells a parable about the Kingdom of Heaven. God is not fooled by hypocrisy, in fact he knows that it is going to be in the church. It talks about the enemy sowing "tares" or "weeds" among the wheat. Wheat and weeds look a lot alike at first, it is hard to tell the difference between the two. Apply this to people, we may not always be able to point out the hypocrite, and the only one who truly can see someone for who they are is Christ.
Here is the beauty of God's grace, in the parable the farmer allows the weed to grow with the wheat so that none of the good is uprooted. God allows people the ability to change and grow. As christians we are called to be christ-like, it is easy to point the finger at someone else and point out the bad, but the truth is one day every knee will bow before Jesus Christ. The difference between someone who is willing to give everything to God and live a life for him, they will like wheat bow before the maker. Those who chose to live in their sin will stand tall against the grain, against the maker just like weeds do. You can chose to bow now or later, the choice is yours. Time is given until the end, God doesn't want any to perish, let's not forget he waited for you!
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