In 2 Kings chapter 5 we read about Naaman and how he is healed of leprosy. In the first few verses it says that a young servant girl who was captured by Syrians to serve Naaman's wife told her about the prophet that could heal Naaman of his disease.
It is interesting that even though she was taken away from her home, her family and friends, and sold as a slave, she was still sharing about the healer, the one that could restore Naaman's health. It is so easy to get caught up in our own lives, this girl could have been bitter or angry towards God for being in the situation she was in. Instead she chose to glorify God through her circumstance.
There are so many people that we are around as christians that can be brought to Christ through our lives. We have to be that light in the darkness, we have to say something. Our desire should be to see people redeemed despite the circumstances we may be facing in our lives.
There is a place for people to be healed, marriages restored, broken hearts can be mended, the list can go on... as christians we need to ask ourselves, are we guiding people to the place of salvation and restoration? Are we showing the lost and hurting that there is hope, that God has a plan and purpose for their life? It is our calling as believers! God is not waiting for us to get our lives perfectly in order, he uses us as we are to reach out to those around us. Be encouraged saints to spread the hope of Jesus Christ!!
Nice blog Pastor Carry. Stay strong partner. You Adronicus friend from SD. Hope to see you soon in the fight fit Octagon.