Monday, April 12, 2021

A Supernatural Place Called “There”

 1Kings 17:1-6  

1.  “There” is a place of protection. It matters where you put yourself. In God’s will, we are protected.

Strength comes from consecration and commitment. God honors our faith.

2. “There” was the place of God’s purpose. God’s appointment for service. 

3. “There” was the place of God’s power. God’s place of provision. Not all promotion is from God. 

4. “There” is a place of promise. God’s promises are true, even if we may not know why we need to be obedient to God.

5. “There” is a place of privilege. Supernaturally experiencing more from God. .

Monday, April 5, 2021

Easter - Agents of Resurrection

 1Kings 17:17-24

We are called to be agents of resurrection. Being born again. Having God’s  power in a fallen world!! We have to be a resurrected church of people. Seeing our resurrected life shows that we really are saved. Saved by grace!!!  Having a obedient heart. Getting together and fellowshipping. We need to be willing to lay our lives over other people.  Bringing life to others even if they have nothing to give!!!