Monday, June 19, 2017

Dad, How are you doing?

11Kings 4:18-24  This is a story about a boy having headaches.  His father was laboring in the fields. And he had a servant take him to his mother, where he died.  She did not tell her husband their son had died.  But wanted to take him to the prophet.  So she did.  She knew her husband and that men detach themselves.
We know the father is the head of the family and must answer to God one day!!  A woman has the power to influence. God wanted Adam to protect the garden.  The wife and children will suffer if the father is not the head.
He needs Personal responsibility- Not blaming others. Because you give up your power to change.
He needs Spiritual responsibility- You can't lead your children if you are not there for them!!!!!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Suffering: Harnessed for Redemptive good!!

Luke 13:10-13  She was crippled, but, she kept going. Anything that is crippling becomes a fight. The battle is bigger than the sickness. Especially the mental battle.  Her disease chose her, she did not choose it. We need to focus on the good things that have been answered.
Satan exploits our sickness. We can become discouraged and critical. What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.
Helping people where they are at.  Mental problems are real even for the saved.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Process/of Progress - A Choice to Change

The Process of Progress - A Choice to Change
James 1:3-4   Knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect  and complete lacking nothing. NKJ

God is more concerned with our character than our comfort. God's goal is for us to become more like Christ! We make choices everyday.  We are either in harmony with God, or in unity with the devil.  What are we becoming? 
1.  Truth is Spiritual. Maturity is intentional. When you are a baby you are self-centered.
The more you spend with the Father, the more you will become like Him!!!
We have a will. We have to want to grow.
2. Must develop our Spirituality. Need to abide to have dominion. Obedience is evidence of maturity.
3. Must desire to demonstrate maturity.  Someone should be able to see it. Needs to be in our heart!!!  We have the fruit of the spirit. We bear the fruit as we need it.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Twisted Spirit and Handicap Mind

                                                 Overcoming our inner demons
Why does God allow suffering?  Some of us pull away from God. And it affects everyone around us.    Can we live without answers?
Luke 13:10-13. This woman was crippled by a spirit for 18 yrs. It's not just physical, it is spiritual.  She had a lot of determination. It took time for her health to get like it was. She went to church no matter what!! Now people don't come for the simplest reasons.  What has happened to people's commitments?  Being absent:
1. Teaches our kids about our commitment.
2. People need you at church. We are the body of Christ.
3. It affects our church.
4. Maybe our heart have grown cold.
5. Maybe they like missing church. Just thinking of themselves!!!
Missing church should be rare. We make a difference. When we hang out in church, we grow!!!!