Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Don't Pass Me By

Luke 10:31-33     The Samaritan had compassion. The Priest and Levite just went on by.
Compassion moves us.

Do we show compassion for someone in need.  Especially the elderly.  Getting old is normal. The world abandons the elderly.  Can't be bothered or are too busy to care.  Mindset is young and fit.

Isa 46:4  Even to your old age I am He. And to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made and I will bear. I will carry and will save.

Psm. 92:14  They still bear fruit in old age

So much money goes into trying to stay young. The Lord looks at the heart and the world looks at the outside.  Sickness happens.
IITim 3:1-3
We need to not become cold-hearted
We need to honor others young and old.  We need to take time with others!

Monday, February 10, 2014

                                                            Integrity of Worship

Taking flight - Handling our differences.  Unable to communicate.  This generation has a hard time working through relationships.  Remove any hinderance, we have to be right with people
1Sam. 15:22-23

1.  True worship is enhanced by better relationships.
Jesus demands us in doing whatever we can to right relationships.
Rom. 12:18

We need to think about how we have offended someone.  Examine ourselves.
What stirs our emotions, thats where your heart is.
We have a hard time humbling ourselves to someone else.

If we are honest with people, we will be honest with God.

2.  Reconciliation must preceede worship.  Unresolved conflict has priority and must be settled.  Unresolved conflict is sinful behavior.

Your heart must match your life.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Generational Revival

We need to talk to our children and grandchildren about God.  We need to love God and show them the way. They need to see our love for God in action.  

1.  Keeping God alive in our hearts.  Spending quality time with god daily in prayer and reading His word.  That our family will come to know Him for themselves.  Learn to defend our faith.

2.  Danger is, we slowly loose fellowsip.  We take the things of God for granted.  Loosing contact.  We need to develop good habits.  Hopefully there is someone in the family getting close to God.

3.  Cause of loss of intimate relationship in Judges 1:28, their compromise became the next generation standard.  because they had never totally conquered the Canaanites.

What are your convictions.  God pours His Spirit on open humble hearts.  Live by faith.  In Joel God will pour out His Spirit upon our sons and daughters.

4.  God won't let every battle be won by a miracle. We grow through fresh battles.

According to Phil 3 we need to press in.