It's interesting how people can get mad at the very one that wants them to live right!
Sometimes we expect things in our lives to go a certain way, but God's plan and our plan may be a whole lot different. There are always reasons behind why God does what he does. We may never fully understand God's way of doing things, but he has his best intentions for our lives.
We cannot allow our pride to keep us from humbling ourselves before Christ. Naaman was given a simple command, although he thought his plan was better then God's.
There are going to be times as christians when we think that our plan is better, but when we do the will of God, blessing comes in our lives. Naaman obeyed God and he was healed! God makes promises to his people and he keeps them. What has God been telling you lately? Are you going to humble yourself and let God be God, or are you going to resist? Remember God only wants the very best for you!