Monday, December 21, 2015

What does God's favor mean....

Luke 1:28   God spoke to Mary.  Shockingly, unbelievable. She was favored.  Mary needed to participate in what God was doing. No matter what anyone thought.
God's favor means, we are not alone in this world to face life by ourselves.
We are never promised a pain free life, but faith to overcome.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Simple things we can do.

Mal. 2:16 Guard your heart. Do not be unfaithful to your wife. NLB
Simple things we can do!!
Choosing to make God's will priority.
Take time to talk to God in prayer.  You will change.
Take time to talk to each other.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thanks Living

Acts 27:24 & 33.
#1.  Thanksgiving anchors your attitude. It's a chose of your will. Outlasting storms by keeping a good attitude. Thanking God at the worst time possible.  
Negative thoughts rob us. We need to keep our focus on God.
11Tim 3:1-3. We can loose the ability to cope. Don't compare. Focus on what's good.
It takes Gods grace to work through it. Thanklessness is a character issue.
Devil fights our tomorrow's not today. We should not take things for granted.
Cultivate Thanksgiving!!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Stay Together in a World that pulls us Apart. Part 3

                                                     The Simple Things
1Tim 4:7-9
We need to exercise spiritually.  Our Life is in God!!!
We need to guard our life and marriage. We need to set guidelines and boundaries. The enemy wants to ruin our souls.  Our life needs to be guarded by the grace of God.
Success is in the way we treat each other.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Stop, Drop, and Take Cover

Mary or Martha?   Luke 10:38-42.  With prayer we keep the wisest choices and how to handle these choices. Things can get between you and God. As Martha, we can be troubled by many things.
Think about your life?  We need to stop and talk to God. Mary did. Martha didn't. Have to not loose sight of what's important.  Need to hear the voice of God for ourselves. Mary got it because she listened. Prov. 29:18. We need to have God's vision!!!!! She is famous in the Bible because she listened to God.  Got to make the time!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Stop, Drop and Take Cover

How do you survive a spiritual earthquake?  Stop and grab onto God.
Listen to His voice and navigate through the troubled times!!
Get into God's presence.  Stay in God's presence!!!! You need to know His voice!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Don't Leave Home Without Him!!!

There are a lot of Christians that don't have purpose.  They are a little empty.  We don't acknowledge God like we should.    Prov. 3:6
Every phase in our life we need full awareness.  As we age, our minds say one thing, and our bodies say something else.  We should be encouraging to others and their dreams. Even if our dreams have not been met, we need to not kill the dreams of the youth.
1. The sin of living life without God. The world does. They are too busy to depend on God.
We need to become a better person inside and out!!  We need God's involvement.  Don't compare yourself to others.
Rom. 8:28. And we know all things work for good......
2.  We don't have all the answers. We need His direction!!
3. Goal can be achieved if we take the time to seek God.  In all our ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.  We need to see God in every part of our life.  It's precious when you do.
We live by the breath of God!!  Life is fragile.  Having a fresh awareness. Thank you God for all the good things!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2015

The Other Prodigal Son. #3

                                                          "Cure for the Common Cold"
Luke 15:28-31
The offer is still on the table. The Elders heart was on things. If your needs are not being met, you can be tempted.  Not every blessing is God's blessing.
1Tim. 6:10 - The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
The elder is controlling with his attitude by staying home.  But he is not into the Father. He should have been enjoying the Father.  He was in his own pity party. It fosters division.  His attitude exercises power over the situation.  Not love and forgiveness.
The Father does not let his son sour him.  He wanted everyone involved in the party.  
Anyone can have a cold heart!!!!  How to warm your heart.
1. Listen to the Father.
2. Start talking to the Father.  And not be critical and complaining.
3. Get back in and enjoy the father. Join the party.
4. The elder brother should get back in fellowship with his brother. Choose to be a blessing and encouragement.
Everything the father did is what the elder should have done.
Do people see you as the elder son?

Monday, September 28, 2015

5 Signs of the Elder Son's Heart

Luke 15:28-31.
Five signs of an elder brother's heart.
1.  When you use your goodness to demand your rights everywhere.
2.  He's very angry about how his life is going and he compares himself to others. I am valuable because I am doing good.  How do you interpret your own life?
3.  Another sign is when obeying God is hard and painful.  The attitude is "I have slaved all these years."  No gladness in the soul.  Motivation is wrong. We need a love birth of God!!!
Our delight is in the law of the Lord!!!!
4.  There is a combination here of a lack of joyful assurance and a tremendously judgemental spirit towards others. You can't be judgemental and angry and be connected to God.
5.  In fact it's very sad.....His heart is on things, material things.  That what he cares about more than anything else.  Not God, his relationship, and God's will.

God needs to be able to trust us, to bless us to draw us closer to Him.

When goodness is badness

Luke 15:28-31.  The other Prodigal son. The one that stayed home. He was more lost than his brother.
When the father is having the party he had to go get the older son. He didn't want to be apart. Some of our greatest conflicts come from our goodness?  Jesus gives a warning to good people.  If the older son was in the right place in his heart, he would have been at the party celebrating. How you relate to others shows what is inside of you!!! (Our conduct)  Then the father would not need to go and get him. The older son wandered inwardly from his fathers heart.  Separated him from God.  A good person doesn't think they need God!!! A new covert needs everything from God!!!  If your life is falling apart you see the need for God!!!! And if you use your goodness against God, you think you deserve better because you are good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Marriage Fables part 1

Ashley Madison- over 40,640,000 members. A group hacked in and exposed everyone. Minimum of 400 Pastors have been on the cite. Families hearts will be broken. It could have been avoided!!!!
The blood of Jesus cleanses, but there are consequences. If they could see the outcome, they probably wouldn't of done it.  Staying together in a world that pulls us apart. Matt. 19:4-6
God created marriage. Don't violate it. It's sacred!!!!
People love fantasy. Fantasy attracts people. It's phoney. You exchange old problems for new problems. You only see the one side.  Good marriages take time and work. We need to go beyond ourselves. We need the Spirit of God and Jesus and you become more loving.  We need to run to Jesus to help us.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Way of the Father #2.1

The Son and His Sin.    Luke 15:13-19
Can you be depended upon?  Our God is dependable.  Can God use you to build the church?  The people who need the most counseling are not in church enough.  What would happen if you pursued God as you would your job!  Our best is found in God!!!   
As the prodigal son got to a point where he didn't recognize himself in his sin. Sin has to run its course. God's goodness should draw them back and have a personal revelation.   Sin drains us. There should be consequences to sin.  There is right and wrong and morals. His Father needed to be a Godly example to his son. He let his son go. The son didn't want his father to see the things he wanted to do. 
And then he finally took responsibility for his actions and wanted to come to his loving home. His heart was right and he wanted his father to see he had understanding.
1. We need to take sin seriously.  2.  We don't think there are consequences.  No consequence - a person doesn't change!!!  He understood there was forgiveness in his fathers house. He became honest, confessed and repented.  And received his blessing.

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Way of the Father parts 1&2

The Prodigal - Luke 15:11-21
The son's request is to terminate his relationship with his father.  In his mind he needs freedom from his home. He wanted his inheritance now!!!  You owe me!  You can't run away from yourself.  Need to take responsibility for your actions. Your the problem!!  The Father stays silent. Maybe he knew what his son was thinking.  You can pick up on a bad spirit or attitude.  The son's mind was already made up.  What made him whole was being at home with his father and brother. When he left he needed to find wholeness in a far country. Father had a real life view of his son, knowing he was capable of sin and rebellion.  Sometimes we are blind as a parent.  We do not need to loose dominion in our own life.  We all have a choice to make by doing right or wrong.
Deu. 30:19-21 - Choose life or death.  No one can blame the condition of our life on others.
Can God depend on you?  Don't make me the bad guy when I have guidelines. The Father is not manipulated by the son.  Beliefs will be tested at home.  Have to stand!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Love in Action

Being a blessing to others. Are you a blessing?  Do you really care about people?
1Peter 3:9 - We want to encourage.  We need a tender heart.
Proverbs 18:21 - We can curse with wrong attitude. We should try to put ourselves in their place.
We need to be full of compassion. Jesus was full of compassion. He was sensitive.
Mark 5 - The woman with the issue of blood and His touch. He showed compassion.
Compassion is being sensitive.  Are you sensitive?
Compassion takes advantage of an interruption. How do you respond when your life is interrupted by the needs of people?
Compassion is gracious.  Jesus met people where they were at.  He didn't just loved them, he liked them too!!  We have to be merciful.  Love is active. Could their needs affect you!!  Love isn't love until you give it away.

Monday, July 6, 2015

God Knows the Difference

Jesus sees our soul and the potential in our lives.  We have a lot of questions and need quiet with God.  God do you know what I am going through?  Is there a point to this?  We choose to believe that God, you know me and what I am going through better than I do.
Mark 5:25-34  The woman with the flow of blood touched Jesus's cloak and believed she would be healed.  Jesus felt it even when the crowd was pushing. A push separates and a touch brings you closer!!!  World of difference between a touch and a push.  What gives us credibility is what we say.  What we say needs to be true.  Modern Christianity appears not to be Christian.  Can God evaluate our souls?  Man looks on the outside and God sees the inside.   We hear God and something changes in us.  Sometimes we are not sensitive.  God see's beyond the mask.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Key to Blessing - Having a Good Life

1Peter 3:8-12. We need to keep a humble attitude in Spirit. We need to lower our estimation of ourselves.  Where does conflict come from?  Selfish ambition!!  The devil exploits our attitude in situations.  Our lips must back up our way of life.  God's concern what comes out of our mouths.
Can't be speaking evil and having a good life!! If you have a disagreement do not retaliate. Speak well of the other person.  Bless those who cures you.  Respond with kind words. We don't deceive.
Don't bait someone into your side. Deception is a barrier. It destroys trust. To restore trust you need to be accountable and trustworthy.  Choose to build up not tear down.  Our responsibility is to please God by doing good.  Healthy relationships are at the core of the good life. What kind of words do you speak?  Run after peace!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

A Worthy Ambition

Matt. 6:33    Seek yet first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all will be added unto you.  Meaning -
Put God first in your day! Your first moments. Go after God actively. Have proper priorities.
Seek Him. Live for God and bring glory. Have a sanctified life. That is pleasing to Him!!! Seek Him for guidance. Especially in the area of money.  Give first fruits. It's wicked not to support your church. Being a good stewart of your finances. Can't worship God and money. Wanting what God wants. Being willing to do what God wants over our wants.
Question - What would you ask of God? If you could ask anything. That's where you are spiritually.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Keys to Blessing

Having a good life!!
1Peter 3:8-12 - We need to have a life glorifying God.  To seek peace with God and people.  Show wisdom in your conduct. Life needs to show wise living. Live life in a proper way.  Be commited in growing as a Christian.  Many people choose happiness over holiness. Many lives are destroyed this way. We need to please God no matter what. Turn away from evil and seek peace.  Pursue Godly things.  One of the biggest barriers is "self."  We need to deny our selves. Being of one mind and wanting to help. We are a family. We need to do what we can. Having happiness from living the good life in God!!!!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Getting Even - Don't fool with fools!!

ISam. 25:7-13. Abigail is a wise woman.    David plans to wipe out Nabal. Abigail intervened.  She brings food and sees David and pleads with him. She represents the Church. She steps in and sets them free from the insanity of their lives. She was full of understanding. Standing, not falling apart. A Godly woman who steps in as who she is, to bring encouragement to David. She believes in him. Nabal is experiencing blessing because of his Christian heritage.  Nabal disses David putting him down to lift himself up.  He does because he can, because he has money.
Don't rejoice when someone is struggling.  We let the enemy get under our skin when he is the fool.
Nabal worked at getting David mad. David could lose his testimony.  Can you listen to the voice of reason when you are angry?  Don't fool with fools!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Your Shadow - Your Influence

Acts 5:15-16.      Peter's shadow had influence.  His shadow inspired, encouraged, and heals.
What kind of shadow do you cast?  What kind of influence do you have?
 Are you a breath of fresh air or full of gloom. The power of God and being a blessing is attractive!!!
Key: Peters life was in Christ!!!!  His relationship- God's power - You take the atmosphere of Christ with you!!!!  Be filled with the love of God.

Monday, March 2, 2015

How to Survive Parenthood

1Sam. 25:2-3 Abigail and Nabal. (Beauty and the Beast).  How did they ever get together? It was a pre-arranged marriage.  Nabal was a rich man. Abigail would be fixed for life.
They thought all that mattered was money.  The world worships money. Money is the root of all evil.
We want our children to marry a Christian.  Marry only in the Lord. Not easy to pass Christianity to our children.
  Prov. 22:6 Train up your child In the Lord.  What you need to know is...
1. It's not about you
2. Your not alone
3. It's a process. One step at a time. We need to aim at sowing love. Teaching our children they are unique. And having the confidence in who they are. God has a purpose for their lives. Learning to be independent but dependent on God.
Christian heritage is no guarantee.

Monday, February 16, 2015

The God Factor

We need to keep a spiritual connection with God!! It makes a difference in how we live.  Like a triangle with God at the top narrow part and husband and wife at each corner at the bottom.  If we are on the same page and growing  in God, faithful to church, tithing, and involved in ministry the divorce rate is 1/1005.  You develope more of God.
Ecc. 4:12   A three-ply cord is not quickly broken.  Learn to kill selfishness. We need to be accountable to each other. Look to the other ones interests.  We need to have God breathe into us as he did Adam. We need to trust in his promises. Sometimes by crisis after crisis, if we are in pieces and broken we will let God in. Men have a harder time with this.  You can't disobey and expect God to bless you!!  Women just need to allow God to mold them. They already are pretty sensitive.
Husband and wife need to be on the same page spiritually!!! It keeps your marriage strong.  You are a ministry team with a purpose from God.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Taking a Trip to the Ant Hill #2

We can learn something's from the ant!!!
1. They partner together in love.   2. They carry burdens and try and help each other.
Gal. 6:2-3.  Bear one another's burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.  For if anyone thinks he something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
3. They can pull 10-50 lbs more than their own weight. Do you pull your own weight?
4. They operate in harmony. They each have a separate job to do.
1Cor. 10:31 So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God!!
Ants work all day and all night. Does what it needs to do. Self motivated. We need to be self motivated. Take the initiative. We need to rule our emotions and master our moods.
We need to do it now and do it until it's done.
Doing all we can today and not waiting until tomorrow. Do not Procrastinate!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Taking a trip to the Ant hill

A Lesson from the Ant!   Nobody has to tell them what to do. All summer it stores up food;  at harvest it stockpiles provisions. If we are not working as the ant does we look forward to a dirt-poor life, poverty your permanent houseguest!!
Procrastination - to defer action; delay: to put off till another day or time; defer; delay.
Look at your life, you can change it.  Some people are too comfortable to change it.  You are not miserable enough!  It can hurt your life!!!  "Never substitute today's certain opportunity for tomorrow's  uncertain possibility. Overcoming the problem of procrastination!! What is stopping you from taking action? It takes honesty. And asking God to help you!!!!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Soul Care 101 #3

You can have everything, but loose your soul. It's about transformation.
1Corinthians - Having a cultivated field.
2Peter 1:5-8  Developing Godly qualities.  Have to have great hearing. Condition of heart - can be strong physically but Spiritually flabby. Aim toward Godliness. (Train yourselves)  Press forward!!
1Tim 4:8 - Should do 2 hours spiritually to 1 hr. Physically.
1. Make a decision to be godly
2. Confess our sins
3. God's word (spend time meditating)
4. Praying - God speak to me!!!!
5. Fighting off distractions
Don't miss church. But don't be a church couch potato.
Your life changes if you come to church and listen at least 3 times a week. Ask God to speak to you!!!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Soul Care 101 (2)

Get ready to rumble!!! We are talking about the condition of our hearts.  It doesn't take much to hurt us.  Our soul needs to be attended to. We need a revelation of our soul.  We need change.
What can we do different?  Be honest about the soil of our soul.  Some things need a jackhammer!!
We have deficiencies and inconsistencys.
Mark 4:1-9  We need to take heed how we hear.      We can:
Give ourselves to profitable hearing. What is your attitude when you are preached to.
On a Sunday morning are you falling asleep. We need to think ahead get our rest the night before. Maybe lay out clothes for you and your children. Be on time or early.  Be ready to receive from God. It's important to our souls. When we read the word ask God to show you and meditate daily. And of course prayer!!! Talk to God and be honest and let Him show you and direct you.